Christmas Gift Drives

Local Homeless & Foster Youth

This year, help us spread Christmas cheer, warmth and love to our neighbors. We've partnered with 4 groups that have shared interests -- homeless and foster youth. Help us spread the love of Christ to the least of these this Christmas.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 
Matthew 25:40

What to donate:

Our Dog Ministry: thin knit gloves, tube socks, beanies/hats, and toothbrushes/toothpaste

MUDDYEYES: donations of unwrapped gifts for children of any age and gender

Youth for Christ: monetary donations will be put toward buying these gift cards for foster youth.

(Please write "Youth for Christ" in the memo line of your donation, or on an envelope that contains your donation.)

Clovis Area Elementary: unwrapped gifts for 4th-6th grade students. Suggested items include art supplies, fidget spinners, board games and Walmart gift cards.

Learn more about these groups and our goals this Christmas:

Our Dog Ministry seeks to share the love of Christ by praying for and serving hot dog lunches to those experiencing homelessness in Fresno County. We are collecting supplies to stuff 200 stockings for the homeless.
MuddyEyes seeks to provide help in every hotel in the Fresno area. They are currently in 8 motels throughout the week serving Adults with Children who are homeless or on the verge of homelessness. This Christmas, we are collecting gifts for 100+ children in these hotels.
Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement. We are donating gift cards for foster youth in our area.
Clovis Area Elementary Transitions Programs are seeking to provide gifts for foster youth and homeless children in the Clovis High Area Elementary Schools. They have asked FBCC to help by donating 75 of the gifts they will be delivering to these children.